Meadow Dreams – colourful & fragrant wildflowers
The meadow dream is designed for seeding in settlement areas. It is a composition of childhood memories of what makes a beautiful flower meadow: colourful, fragrant, beautiful and full
Life with bees, bumblebees, butterflies and hay horses. This also includes the colorful meadow bouquet of bluebells, daisies and buttercups.
Tall and small, dainty flowers bloom from early spring through fall, framed by attractive grasses. In the first year, a large number of annual species such as cornflowers,
poppies and corn radish. From the second year, the perennial species of the meadow (such as daisies, meadow knapweed, meadow sage, field scabious, meadow pippau and many other colorful and showy flowering perennials) begin to establish themselves.
A valuable, permanent meadow to maintain biodiversity with many plants that produce nectar and pollen. Versatile and adaptable mixture.
Included are 35 native species (60% herbs / 40% grasses).
Kornrade, Kornblume,Saatwucherblume, Klatschmohn, Zottiger Klappertopf, Kümmel, Wilde Möhre, Wiesenpippau, Wiesenbocksbart, Margerite, Spitzwegerich, Kleiner Wiesenknopf, Echtes Labkraut, Wiesenlabkraut, Gemeine Braunelle, Hornklee, Scharfer Hahnenfuß, Schafgarbe, Kleine Pimpinelle, Wiesensalbei, Weiße Lichtnelke, Rote Lichtnelke, Aufgeblasenes Leimkraut, Wiesenkerbel, Wiesenflockenblume, Johanniskraut, Moschusmalve, Brauner Dost, Skabiosen-Flockenblume, Färberkamille, Kuckuckslichtnelke, Heidenelke, Wiesenknautie, Karthäusernelke, Knäuel-Glockenblume, Herbst-Löwenzahn, Wilder Thymian, Pfirsichblättrige Glockenblume
Location: Sunny
Growth height: 60–80 cm
Blooming period: Spring until autumn
A colourful array of flowers attracts many insects
easygreen® Meadow Dreams is a fragrant
wildflower meadow consisting of 35 native
species. The special seed mixture of
Meadow Dreams is frequently used in the
creation of wildflower spaces. Thanks to its
easy laying, municipal areas, lay-bys,
roundabouts and fallow land can be easily
transformed into colourful flowering spaces
that make a significant ecological contribution.
These wildflower meadows are an ideal source
of food for bees, bumble bees, butterflies
and other insects.

Wildflower strips and patches for biodiversity
Funding and support is available in many areas of Germany
for the creation of wildflower strips or areas.

The more plant species wildflower meadows
contain, the more wildlife they can support.
As such, meadows with an abundance of
flowers make a significant contribution to
the preservation of biodiversity. In addition,
ecosystems with a higher number of species
are much more efficient and resistant to
harmful influences than areas with few plant
species. Flower meadows with many different
species promote the diversity and abundance
of insects – including species that pollinate
wild and cultivated plants or that destroy
pests. They also absorb a great deal of carbon
and thus contribute to climate protection.
Note: When laying in the open countryside (outside of agriculture and urban and residential areas), the user must obtain approval from the nature conservation authority.
Forms of delivery:
as a role 12m²
roll length: 10 m
roll width: 1,2 m

as a flower patch 1,2m²
length: 1,00 m
broad: 1,2 m