Pure Flower – Meadow without grasses
With this flower mixture you get a beautifully blooming flowering meadow for many years.
The composition of the colors changes from year to year. Suitable for different soil conditions. The flowers are a magnet for bees, butterflies and many insects.
When compiling it, care was taken to ensure that no poisonous plants were included.
This flower meadow is suitable for home gardens, playgrounds and other communal areas.
48 annual and perennial types of flowers
Lanzettblättriges Mädchenauge, Gelbe Kosmee, Kornblume,
Duft steinrich, Dill, Wilde Malve, Saat-Wucherblume, Kleine Studentenblume,
Borretsch, Marienglockenblume, Wiesen_ ockenblume,
Klatschmohn, Färber-Mädchenauge, Ringelblume, Gewöhnliche
Schafgarbe, Gewöhnliche Nachtviole, Einjähriges Silberblatt, Wald-
Vergissmeinnicht, Katzenminze, Bartnelke, Rotkelchige Nachtkerze,
Rainfarn Phazelie, Garten-Resede, Rauer Sonnenhut, Wiesensalbei,
Rote Spornblume, Färberdistel, Großköp_ ge Flockenblume, Windenart,
Federnelke, Purpur-Sonnenhut, Kokardenblume, Echter Lavendel,
Magerwiesen-Margerite, Gemshorn, Garten-Dahlie, Wegerichblättriger
Natternkopf, Goldlack, Levkoje, Ziertabak, Petunie, Portulakaröschen,
Scabiose, Thymian, Verbene
Location: Sunny
Growth height: 40–90 cm
Blooming period: Spring to late summer
Forms of delivery:
as a role:
roll length: 10 m
roll width: 1,2 m
roll diameter 12 m²: 20 cm
weight roll 12 m²: 3,3 kg

as a flower patch:
length: 1,00 m
broad: 1,2 m
weight: ca. 600 g
Minimum Order Quantity: 1,2 m²